July 17, 2008

10:30 Tomorrow Morning

At 10:30 tomorrow morning our family will grow from three to four. I will head down to CPS offices to pick up our newest little bundle of joy to bring him back to his forever home. We are SO excited!

I will, of course, post pictures as soon as I can, but tomorrow will be a pretty busy day. After picking our little man up, we will head to the doctor for a visit with the cranial surgeon. If you'll remember from my earlier posts, he's being fitted for a cranial band to help reshape his head. The band looks like a white helmet and comes with the added bonus of protecting little one's head from the hard knocks that only an older brother can "lovingly" throw out.

So, pictures and formal introduction to come tomorrow. We're in town all weekend, but will take Friday as a family day to introduce our new addition to his immediate family before showing him to the world - so if you're in the area, give us a buzz!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What an exciting day. Good luck sleeping tonight. :) I cant wait to meet him! I've noticed the conspicuous absence of his name... so I'm interested to hear what you come up with. If little boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails you'll have plenty to go around! :)

StarfishMom said...

We're praying in NY that all goes smooth and there is an easy transition!

Jenna said...

Your little guy and me will have a day in common! My Birthday is tomorrow July 18th!

Anonymous said...

I am one of Amy's friends and had to write to let you know that you and your family are in our prayers during this time of transition. I can only imagine all that you are going through. I admire you greatly for following your heart as well as the Lord. What a blessing you and your husband are to your children!

Eigna said...

I'm thinking about you all today! Hope everything is going well with the new baby!