July 25, 2008


CPS did issue us a written apology today for yesterday and promised that it would not happen that way again. I'm happy that they understand our concerns. Apparently there was an issue with birthmom's lawyer causing a stink over the visit being moved for my doctor's appointment and birthmom was not given the message. This was a one-time deal and from now on will not be tolerated, lawyer stink or not!

In other Chambers family news, we're headed to the Wise County Reunion this weekend to visit with Heath's family and friends. I think I blogged about it a bit last year, but it's a weird (to an outsider like me!) yearly ritual where the whole town comes out to camp in little cabins, meet up with old friends and enjoy a carnival. After marrying into Decatur life, I've grown to look forward to "reunion" each and every year, but I have to admit that it's one of the craziest things to explain from the outside looking in!

I'm sure that the adventures this weekend will bring lots of fun photos and I'll be sure to post those as soon as we return. Just so you guys have a photo to tide you over until then, here's a picture of our house with no roof! Yes, down to the studs! In the midst of all the change in our life, why not give our home a new hair color? I can't wait for all the work to be done and our new playroom to be all set up and ready for my boys. More than anything, I'm ready for the banging to stop so we can all take good naps!

1 comment:

StarfishMom said...

Glad you got your WELL DESERVED apology! Have a safe trip.