November 08, 2008

Court Update

On Friday, I attended a court hearing regarding Cash. This was just at status hearing for his biological mother, but it is always good for one of us to be there - just to get the lay of the land and keep our faces in front of the judge.

The court granted the biological mother an extension to complete her services. She should have had them complete by now but has barely started. This isn't a big hurdle for us, just ties things up a bit. Our understanding from CPS is that even if she were to complete all of her classes they would not make the recommendation for Cash to go back to her because she is unable to provide for him physically or emotionally.

So, we're just playing a waiting game. Another hearing was scheduled for January 23 and hopefully we can get a mediation date from there. We'll keep you updated as we learn more, but we do ask for prayers that this is all over with soon and that God guides us down the right path. There are several options that the state is looking at for parental termination for the biological mother (bio dad's rights have already been terminated), so we want to make sure we make the right decision and don't rush the court or rush ourselves into a hasty decision.


StarfishMom said...

Hey Brit...It's so hard to see the courts extending the inevitable. I'm praying in NY.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you! It's good to see that God is giving you patience and grace to use during this process. Hang in there!