November 03, 2008

Daylight Savings

Daylight savings has really thrown a kink in my scheduling! Kids have no idea what daylight savings is so they wake and sleep on their same schedule. This morning, that meant Holden waking up to nurse at 4:30 (pretty typical) and then the boys waking up at 5:30 (usually 6:30-7 a.m. so they were right on, just not with the new clock). This means that I've been up since 4:30 - I'm tired! Luckily, Heath and I went to bed early last night, so it's not as bad as it could have been!

Right now, Cash and Holden are napping and E is making a valiant effort to fight the second half of his nap. We'll see how that goes!

Speaking of E and valiant efforts - here he is getting a snack for himself! Crazy guy!


~Shelia said...

Funny you should blog this. I was awakened this morning to Jason calling out "Who is it?" I never heard the knock, but I guess he did, and sure enough there were 2 boys at our door... at 5:33am. Care to guess which alarm clock I forgot to reset? Duncan's! I imagine in a week's time we will have all settled out again. Falling back is soooo much easier to settle into than Spring Ahead.

~Shelia said...

PS. Forgot to mention that I love reading the blog, and that I have missed seeing you around. Just thought you would like to know.