Our other incident happened just now. I picked Cash up from his visit at the CPS office, where his caseworker informed me that bio mom had just changed him and he was all ready to go. So, we make the 45 minute drive home and I plop Cash in his highchair to eat. I pull him out after lunch and realize that he's wet - hmmm. So, I change him to find that his diaper isn't attached - at all! Just a diaper sitting on a bum doesn't do a lot of good. After a scraping of the pants and a bath, we're all ready to go. I'll give her a little benefit of doubt here in that Cash is difficult to diaper lately as he tries everything he has to crawl away, but actually fastening the tabs (they were still connected to the diaper, not even pulled out to pull across) is an important step in the diapering process no matter how hard a kid fights.
We'll see what Holden has in store for us in the week to come. Fortunately on both occasions described above I had a grandmother here for help with clean-up duty!

Is bio mom being facetious? Or is she really THAT slow??? Hopefully baby Holden will wait a week (or 2) before he surprises you with a um,...surprise??? :) Blessings!
Noah has taken it off and smeared it on walls bed and his face before...I think he was trying to sniff it??? not sure, but I hear that toddler do this a lot! Thank goodness for the magic eraser!
I suppose every child has to take off their diaper and smear it everywhere AT LEAST once!
as far as the cash incident goes...I really don't have much to say. I'm just glad that baby boy is now safe with a mom that knows how to change diapers!
enjoy your weekend! (diaper changing and all!)
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