About a day in, Bethany awoke from a nap and bounded down the stairs to me typing at a computer at the dining room table and Wendy working in the adjoining office while Grace toddled back and forth across the entry hall bringing us blank pieces of paper. Upon seeing this, Bethany announced in all of her four-year-old wisdom, "Get me out of this crazy house!"
And that's how it's been this week. Crying kids and not enough hands. A few bonked heads and some midnight Cheerio eating. When we got the call for Cash, we prayed hard about our decision and one of my deciding factors was talking to God about taking care of three small children and telling him that I thought I could do it if he could give me a grace period on them getting sick.
Well, I guess He thinks I have this mommy-of-three thing figured out because my grace period has come to a close. It actually went pretty well, but it wasn't the most planned out, graceful event. In the chaos, I have learned that houses do not fall down if they are not swept and children like eating leftovers for supper - especially when those left-overs are day old CiCi's.
We have survived and we will endure, but in all of the commotion I realized how blessed I am. I was able to hold and rock my two-year-old - MY two-year-old. The one I didn't know would be mine until last year. The one I fell in love with the second I laid eyes on him. God is great - all the time - even when you are stuck in a "crazy house."

Hey Brit! I totally know where you're coming from. It's a big adjustment from one child to multiple, and I'm awed and inspired by the grace with which you handle it. I love the look of the blog by the way, and the family picture too!
As always you guys are in our prayers!
Ahhh you are so right. Although it is hard when they are sick, there is nothing like rocking a sick kiddo in the middle of night to get a mommy moment!! also I love the family pic - amazing!!! So good to see you guys the other night!
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