Doubting aside, I do think that time management is one of my God-given talents. One of those things He knew I would need from the beginning, and, seeing where He led my life, I'm so glad that He was kind enough to bless me with it!
I have schedules and daily checklists that I live by, and organizational tools that save me on a daily basis. Along the way I also created several systems that make our lives run easier. With our new, hectic schedule, we spend a lot of time in the car. It's been a couple of weeks, but I think we now have a handle on what's needed on a daily basis so we can survive.
Since we're potty training (two kids), our most important must-have items are a travel potty and an extra change of clothes and underwear. Actually, I learned the hard way that an extra set of clothes are needed for me as well during the potty training process. Don't ask.
I'd like to do a short, weekly series on things that help me out... organizational tools, calendars, lists, etc. Interested? I think we could a learn a lot from each other. I'm psyched to hear how you do things at your house!
And, just so you don't think I'm getting a big head, or have it totally all together, I'll admit one of my great organizational faults: scrap booking and picture organization. Does anyone have this all together? I just can't do it, and live in total fear that my children will hate me forever because of their lack of concrete memories.
I did stumble upon this recently. Looks like an amazing book with layouts and the like. Perfect for non-creative types like me. I'm going to download it and save for the future... you know, after you guys share tips on how you do all of that cutesy stuff. Help a sister out!
I'd like to do a short, weekly series on things that help me out... organizational tools, calendars, lists, etc. Interested? I think we could a learn a lot from each other. I'm psyched to hear how you do things at your house!
And, just so you don't think I'm getting a big head, or have it totally all together, I'll admit one of my great organizational faults: scrap booking and picture organization. Does anyone have this all together? I just can't do it, and live in total fear that my children will hate me forever because of their lack of concrete memories.
I did stumble upon this recently. Looks like an amazing book with layouts and the like. Perfect for non-creative types like me. I'm going to download it and save for the future... you know, after you guys share tips on how you do all of that cutesy stuff. Help a sister out!
I need all the help I can get, so bring on the ideas! I'm not really a scrapbooker, either, but one struggle I have is getting pictures OFF memory cards and onto the computer. Do you know that they make a special card that when you get into the house, it automatically transfers the files off the card and onto the computer? Wow. I so want that.
Well, I would LOVE to know all your secrets because I was not blessed with time management:) I gould love to scrapbook but hence that I have no time that gets pushed aside as well. But what saves me is the shutterfly books. The kids love them and they are cute and EASY which is what is most important to me!
Ooh yay...I need help too!! Can't wait to read more! I actually have on tip on the potty seat thing. Heard it from a mom training triplets ;). She would keep a stack of old diapers in the back of her vehicle along with the potty. She would stick one in the potty, face up, to catch the mess. Then she would stick the full diaper in a plastic sack (also kept in the car) and toss it in the closest trash. Certainly helped us on some road trips.
So excited to hear your ideas!!
My poor children only have scrapbooks that cover about the first 3 months. After that we just got too busy! I'd love ideas on helping to keep things organized. Right now I just have a huge calendar with everything written on it all over the place! :)
Do NOT stress out over scrapbooking. I've come to terms with the fact that I'd LIKE to scrapbook, but do not have the patience to do so. I'm thinking I'm more of an album momma. I'm also going to look into digital scrapbooking. Might be more my least for now anyway!
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