So much fun, in fact, that some of us just crashed and slept on the tile floor! I try hard to keep everyones schedules in tact when we're away, but sometimes it gets hard.

Fall comes a bit later in Texas. I think it's finally hit full force and the boys have really enjoyed the leaves and cooler temperatures.

We went to a local fish hatchery and the boys had fun pretending they lived in the olden days. They cooked over an open fire...

Lived in a log cabin...

Chopped some wood...

And walked down trails with friends.

We set up an obstacle course outside, just like Daddy has been doing lately in the house.

There was lots of stamping. These stamps

Holden would rather use his hands as stamps...

So we made a turkey!

Heath's mom pulled out his old MarbleWork

It was really hard to pull him away!

Holden used the pieces to make instruments...

And Cash created his own game, testing his fine motor skills by picking up the marbles with some of Nanny's serving tongs. This is why I love toys without batteries, the kids are so creative when the toy doesn't limit them!

Aunt Colbie and Holden spent their Thanksgiving snuggling (it's uncanny to me how much they look alike right now)...

They took a break from snuggling to craft a bit and created this very glitzy snowman:

He's got quite a bit of flair, don't ya think?
With speech school on break until mid-January, expect our schooling to get a lot more organized! I've created a Christmas curriculum using an Advent activity calendar created by our church's pre-school director (which she's given me permission to share and I'll do soon) and filling in with the Tot School and Pre-school packs from www.1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com. I can't wait to share what we're doing!

Can't wait to see the Advent activity calendar! Sounds fun!
I love open ended toys too! It's amazing what kids can create when not limited by the toy.
I've been meaning to ask you if you had any good suggestions for helping develop expressive speech at home? I'm trying to get sara in to the school district to be tested, but in the meantime I feel we should be doing more at home (besides the normal speech that just happens when you explore your world type of stuff)
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