May 30, 2011

My goal this week?  To get the freezer, pantry and produce eaten up before we head out of town.  I haven't done a big batch cook in a while, but I've got some great plans for when I get back.  I'm armed with my new food processor, two new cookbooks and lots of new ideas, so I can't wait!

This week we'll be at my family's lake house through Memorial Day, so it's a bit of a shortened week.  Here's what's on the schedule:

Tuesday:  Neighbor Dinner
Wednesday:  Meaty Cheesy Shells (Teen MOPS is over for the summer, so I can actually cook again on Wednesdays)
Thursday: Mexican Buffet
Friday: Left-overs or Pizza night
Saturday:  We're off to the beach!

Breakfast ideas this week include: scones, pancakes, cereal, fruit and oatmeal
Lunches: pancakes and peanut butter, cold cuts and cheese
Snacks: smoothies, fruit, veggies and hummus

Share our menu plan and recipes with your friends!  Just click the Facebook or Twitter icons on the top to instantly share this post!  Thanks for making Living with Three Boys a success!

I've linked this post up to Menu Plan Monday, be sure to check there for more recipes and menu plans!

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