June 12, 2007

Promising news...

We had a sherrif's deputy show up at our house yesterday with termination papers for Ethan. Pretty scarry considering I've never been "served" before, but exciting once I figured out what was going on. The paperwork did not list a court date, but it means that the court has the papers and things are moving forward. I've got to get them over to our lawyer for her to write a response letter. Ethan's bio mom did show up for the visit yesterday (first time in three weeks) and it was not good for Ethan. He had a really hard time and was fussy all afternoon - not letting me out of his sight. We had a really hard time putting him down for bed and getting him settled. You could tell that it was really affecting him...

1 comment:

Uyen said...

What did you think when you opened the door and the sheriff was standing there? Well, definitely good news. I'm sorry the visit was rough, but the end is near. I love you! Call if you need me.