March 26, 2008

What's this?

Chocolate? No... Brownie? No... Cupcake? No...

While any other mom would scream in fear, I instead run for the camera to commemorate the moment. My child ate dirt! And no, not just once, he went back for more. His Aunt Colbie, who I shamelessly made eat dirt "brownies" would be so proud!

We are also learning to eat real, what others would consider edible, food with a spoon. E. Stone is still not getting everything into his mouth yet, but he has also not figured out the slinging technique, so all's well in spoonville!


ASC said...

We're discovering that forks still work better around here, for most things. But the spoon skill is coming along! - Love the dirt photo. E tasted leaves last week and looked at me and said "yuck" (a new word for her)....such a girlie girl!

AJH said...

Your little guy is really handsome! So you may not remember me, but back in December you "stumbled" across our blog the day that I was going to court for termination of our soon to be adopted son's birthparents rights. Well, we are still waiting, and praying...I just wanted to let you know where we are. The state is saying maybe we can finalize in June.