August 30, 2008

Blog, pump, repeat...

I've had several people ask how I've found the time to blog, well my secret is the blog and pump. I've gotta pump, so why not blog while I'm at it - or check e-mail or read up on all of my friends blogs - it makes the time go a lot faster!

My other timefinder comes in the form of a Nanny and a NiNi who have camped out at the house to help and also all of the wonderful people who have brought us meals. I don't know what we would do without you guys!

In Cash news, he received his helmet last week on Tuesday. He's doing great in it, just some rashes from having something new on his head all the time. We're letting his head "rest" now and putting Vaseline on the rough spots, but I know he'll do great as soon as his head gets used to it. Heath has rocked the helmet out with stickers, so our little man is not the least bit unfashionable! And as an added bonus, Daddy's caps fit perfect over the helmet, so we have plenty of options for headwear!

E. Stone has just now started playing well with Cash and enjoys entertaining him, especially when he's in his bouncy seat! Nanny caught a picture of them making all of the lights go, and I thought it was too cute not to share. Poor E, just when he's gotten used to one little brother, here comes another!

When E's not entertaining his little brother (or throwing all of the sippy cups out of the cabinet) he still loves doing puzzles. This was one of his first puzzles and it's still one of his favorites! He also has a fish puzzle that he got from my sister's almost in-laws. These puzzles together provide hours of entertainment for our little guy. The fish puzzle he can put together by himself, which amazes me because it's pretty darn difficult!

Holden had his first bath and slept through most of the experience. We've found when he has a paci, he can pretty much handle anything! My first paci baby! Heath and I were both paci babies, so I guess he comes by it naturally. Cash won't take a paci to save his life and E. Stone uses one at naps and bedtime, but has only ever chewed on it - never used it as a real paci!

Our playroom is finally finished (PRAISE GOD!) and we are going to start putting all of the toys back there soon. I can't tell you how excited I am to have a place for all of my boys to play. As an added bonus, we can block off the playroom, so while I nurse the boys can play safely! I'm so excited!


StarfishMom said...

You are AMAZING!!! Sounds like you're settling in with the little ones pretty quick. It IS a wonderful blessing to have others helping out. God Bless!

Kylee said...

wow! Cash is looking SO big!

I am SO happy for you...all three of your boys are adorable! they're gonna be so close and have TONS of fun together as the years progress.

"cash will not take a paci to save his life"...haha this made me laugh. I remember trying to give him a paci, but he would NEVER take them. Glad you finally have a baby that loves them!

glad you enjoyed my post...grandparents are so special! I'm sure your boys will love them. from reading about their Grandma's, it sounds like they're in to be rather spoiled! : )

Praying your adjustment with 3 little ones continues to go well!