Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not move my coffee table to find a half eaten apple underneath it. If I would have found an apple like that, it would most likely be courtesy of Cash, who likes to take the apples out of the basket and chomp on them.
Since my youngest child is not too big for the bassinet, I would never use it as a place to stack clean folded laundry.
I did not admit to my husband that I miss my children when they are all napping. I have three small children, why would I miss them?
Now it's your turn, let me know what you didn't do this week!

I love these not me mondays. Bits of truth that we all do. . .I totally get the missing them when they are napping (well, sometimes).
My baby Cash was probably just saving his apple for later and did not want E. Stone or anyone else to get it.
oohhh Brit. That last one made me love you a little bit more and make me want even more to be a mommy myself!
I just found your blog from MckMama's and I was so excited to see that your two youngest are very close in age! I have 3 girls (5, 4.5, and 2) My oldest two are 7 months apart...the oldest is adopted and 7 months later we had our middle daughter. It's fun to find a family like ours!
Hey...I just realized I forgot to call you back (from when you called me back...hee hee).
I was just calling to say hi and to see how you were doing. Let's get together one of these days soon!
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