You, dear sir, are a fireball. You are into everything and constantly chasing your big brother around the house. No one smiles bigger than your little brother when he sees you. You bring so much joy and comfort to us and are such a beautiful addition to our family!
Your arrival was quite a surprise, but we are so blessed to have you. Your smile is infectious. You are a veracious sleeper and a crazy jumper. You love to bounce around, sing and dance to music. You've taken your first steps and spoken several first words - MaMa, DaDa, Dog, That-that and NaNa.
You go by many names: Ash to your brother and Cash-Cash, Cashy and Casher to the adults in your life. We love you sweet Cash, you are our life and you are full of an amazing energy that will someday serve a wonderful purpose for God. We can't wait to see what He will do with you!

Happy Birthday to your sweet Cash!
Happy Birthday Cash! I love you and here's to you celebrating many many more with your parents and brothers.
Love, Aunt Tammy
Yay for Cash! What a great day of celebration! I can't wait to see you tonight Cashy and give you a big hug!! And taking steps too - what a big boy!
I got teary eyed reading this post (good writing mommy). I am so excited to see what God has for your life sweet boy!
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