February 12, 2009

Naptime Fun

Both of the little guys still take a morning nap, which gives E and me a few hours with each other to work on activities and get a few chores done. Lately, it’s been really pretty and we’ve been able to play a bit in the yard with the monitor. This is great because E’s a little unclear on volume control and this way I don’t have to constantly “shush” him while we are in the house.

The other day, it rained all evening and everything was still wet in the morning, so outside play wasn’t on the top of the list. We needed to make some cookies for E’s valentine’s party at school, so I knew that would take up about half the time. We tinted some sugar cookie dough pink and went to work. E. Stone loves to cut the shapes and place them on the cookie sheet, but cries hysterically when I put them in the oven. He doesn’t understand why they can’t be cookies immediately, and wants them to be rescued from their “time out” in the fiery furnace. I’ve offered him some of the dough to eat, but he doesn’t want that, he just wants the cooked cookies without the unfortunate bake time.

So, in an effort to distract him while the cookies served their appointed eight minute time out sentence, I copied a rainy day idea from McMamma’s blog. Trucks and rice – yep, you read that right! I poured some rice into a tray, handed the kid some miniature heavy machinery trucks and he got to work. We had a blast! He didn’t even realize that I snuck away to “rescue” the cookies.

1 comment:

ASC said...

E LOVES helping me cook and has a hard time waiting for things to bake, too...The rice idea is a super one - we'll have to try it!