June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday

Howdy there... Welcome to Not Me Monday! This blog carnival was started by McMamma and makes it possible for mothers all across the globe to tell you what the (didn't) do this week, because, after all, we are all perfect parents!

This post does not NOT have pictures, and it wouldn't be because I've just been lazy this week. You know, lazy like making several dozen flag cookies, cooking vats of pasta salad... just lazy.

E. Stone has not napped on the floor during nap time for the past two days, and as I type this, I am not wondering if, indeed, he is asleep on the floor again. If I did think that he might be, I'd check on him - I would never fear waking him with the door.

I'm not totally bummed that I missed out on the live chat on McMamma's blog earlier this evening. And... my missing would have nothing to do with the fact that I read everything on Google Reader so receiving of posts is a bit delayed. What can I say? I'm not lazy like that!

I also didn't totally ruin a towel this week while not completely botching the shaving of my legs. I'm a grown woman, I can shave with the greatest of ease!

And lastly, my two youngest children are not talking up a storm. Cash isn't saying just about everything and looking irresistible while doing it, and Holden can't say "Mamma," "Dadda," "uh oh," and "dog." Not my children, because they are WAY too young for speaking!

What did you not do this week? What? You don't know what you did wrong this week? That's right, you're perfect! Just. Like. Me!

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