December 09, 2009

Fair warning

I'm not a mom that gives a lot of warnings... to me, it's counterproductive. Life, in general, doesn't give you a lot of warnings. Usually a consequence is automatic and quick, i.e. stand on the couch, fall and bonk your head, lesson learned. Or at least you hope the lesson is learned.

I also lack the patience level to go through numerous warnings. With three small children it's just not a good thing. Honestly, most often if I give a warning without a consequence it's just an invitation for another brother to jump in on the behavior, and I don't really like being ganged up on.

Lucky for us, Love and Logic, a nationally acclaimed program for parenting, backs my not-so-into warnings approach. It's nice to have someone who knows what they are talking about behind me in my parenting!

Recently, on our way home from an amazingly fun weekend at the lake, I was pulled over for speeding. Heath and I were listening to our book on tape and all three of my boys were peacefully sleeping in the back seat when, out of nowhere, lights came on. Oops!

I got a warning. I have never in my life been a warning type of girl. I quit counting tickets before I graduated high school (really), but I do know that we're well into the double digits. I'm never in a hurry, I'm just driving along and not exactly watching the speedometer (is watching the speedometer a safe practice? I think keeping your eyes on the road should be a good rule of thumb, but what do I know.)

The boys slept peacefully through the incident and I came to a new realization. This time, I think I learned more from the warning that I did from the ticket. It almost hurt more; to admit that I was wrong and to receive a pardon of forgiveness - a little grace. As a parent, I think this is a very important lesson, but one that is going to be very hard to instill.

I'll always be a work in progress, but the fact that I'm willing to do the work to make the progress will lead me to success.


Anna said...

I've had a warning for speeding once... it was the week of finals during my last semester in college. I felt the same way about learning more from that warning than from a ticket! Grace is often hard to accept, isn't it? It tastes so sweet, but almost like it's forbidden.

StarfishMom said...

Thanks Brit. I LOVE when you keep it real!

JJB said...

I think I am in love with that know if I wasn't married with two kids and totally happy right where I am... and as long as it was a HE, and not all gross or creepy.

Aunty Jill said...

I'm warning YOU prepared for a mommy kidnapping sometime soon! I'm thinking coffee drinks this time to keep us warm!

Christy said...

I LOVE the love and logic approach. It works great in the classroom and we're also trying to incorporate it at home as we get into the "terrible twos"!!!!

Leona said...

Kinda makes me think about how God is with us. We mess up and ask for forgiveness and he grants it no questions ands if or buts about it. We don't have to do anything to receive it but ask.