February 22, 2010

Mission Organization: The Car (aka, my home away from home)

Our schedule is hectic, busy, crazy and necessary.  I feel as if we spend the majority of our days in the car, and since we’re working on potty training I have to be very well stocked.  The easiest way for me to stay on top of things is to have a basket at-the-ready at all times, fully stocked with the following items:

-         Three diapers
-         Wipes
-         Antibacterial wipes
-         Two Pull-Ups 
-         Two pair of underwear (one Cash sized, one Stone sized)
-         Two pair of pants (one Cash sized, one Stone sized)
-         Several gallon –sized Ziploc bags
-         Two shirts (one Holden sized, one Mommy sized)
-         Library books
-         Flash cards
-         Random pre-packaged, non-perishable snacks
-         Three juice boxes
-         Candy (usually Skittles)
-         Bottle of water
-         Magazines
-         Magnet writers 
-         Portable potty 

With this stash, I’m ready for anything… or at the very least most situations.  Everything fits nicely into a collapsible container that my Mother-in-Law purchased at Walmart.  The container rides in my front seat, but is easy to move into the house or rear of the car…portability makes quite the difference.

Being stuck in a carpool line with kid-os isn’t at the top of my list, that’s why we keep the library books, magnet writers and flash cards handy.  We can easily last 45 minutes or so without the snacks and an hour if we throw those in!


JJB said...

Only one question about your totally "put together" basket... why isn't there a bottle of extra strength Tylenol in there? Or are you just keeping that in your pocket?

Hope the boys are great, and that your allergies are better!

Aunty Jill said...

I'm wondering...why no word about your monogrammed flask that you keep in one of your super-organized baskets...accidental omission, I'm sure!

P.S. Can you help me make a car basket??