In conjunction with our Advent ideas, we're also working through the curriculum and printables at 1+1+1=1. I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing this site is for me! I didn't get any pictures of Stone working on the worksheets... mostly because I have to be very hands-on with him to get him to sit... but the fine motor skills that these printables help to work have really unlocked some roadblocks for Stone! His favorite has been "Help the Shepherd get to Baby Jesus," and since I laminated it, he can do it over and over with his window markers
(we like these MUCH better than dry erase because they are washable!)
Our winter sensory bin is ready and full of snow!
My kids loved the snow last year and are equally enjoying it this year!
Since we're really into cars, I let the kids make roads in the snow and use a dozer to move it from one side to another. Stone and Holden were all over it from the get-go...
Cash was a bit hesitant of the wet, cold stuff at first, but he got into it!
We made and delivered stained glass cookies to a few friends from church.
And then used the cookie cutters to paint!
The boys love paint and I'm hoping to get this set
Stone and I worked on spelling using his magnetic letters. If I go really slow and say the word phonetically he can spell just about anything! This totally blows my mind, considering I spell about on his level!
Each night when daddy gets home, we've snuggled up in front of a warm fire and the tree to read the Christmas story. The boys love it, aside from a few mistellings that have cropped up!
I mentioned having several nativities in our first Advent post and have gotten some questions regarding why and which ones. We love our free-standing nativity
How are you celebrating the birthday of our Savior?

Popped over from Tot School linky. I have 3 girls ages 3 (she'll be 4 next month), 2 1/2 and 7 months. I love seeing what other moms do with children so close in age. You have a sweet family.
Speaking of sweet, those cookies look really yummy and unique. How do you make those, if I may ask?
I've never heard of window markers before, I'll need to keep my eyes open for those. We use worksheets over again by placing them in book report covers.
Hi kewkew! The cookie cutters I used are called punches, I got them as a gift, but they are from Williams-Sonoma. They have a little plunger at the top that punches out the center pieces. I then filled the holes with crushed hard candy that melts to create a stained glass effect. But, with any cutter, the recipe has to be good so the cookies don't lose their shape. I've had some real flops, but the recipe I now use is a keeper! You can find it on my blog at:
You might be able to find the window markers at Target or Walmart. I've seen them there occasionally. They've been so nice for us, we're just not disciplined enough for dry erase yet-and my dining room table bears the scars of proof!
We love window markers, and I can't believe I've never thought to use them on laminated worksheets! We use the wipe-off crayons, but they don't really work very well. My sweet girl just isn't coordinated enough for non-washable markers (I'm probably not either!) so we avoid the dry erase ones. Thank you for sharing the BRILLIANT idea that will make our life so much better :)
I've got to get that Jesse tree book!
Love the pictures of the boys reading with Daddy!
If I can answer for Kewkew also... when I was a kid we would make our own shapes freeform from 'snakes' of dough or use a regular cookie cutter then use a toothpick (or paring knife) to remove dough from the middle. Maybe you could use the recipe from Brit but do it that way if you can't find the special cutters.
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