We hope that 2010 has been a year full of blessings for you! Our family has been so blessed this year! Our kids continue to amaze us with their personalities and we love watching them grow! Here are the highlights:
Heath: Continues to work in insurance, but was given the opportunity to work from home this year. What an amazing gift for our family! The boys and I love having him home and really enjoy the opportunity to spend stolen moments throughout the day with him. Heath always has time to wrestle on the floor with the boys and play hide-and-go-seek... but in his spare time he does enjoy a bi-monthly poker game with the other "big boys" in our neighborhood.
Brit: I'm so blessed that I am able to stay at home with the boys! Being a personal driver and chef, working with the boys on Tot School activities, and breaking up the occasional fight fills the majority of my days, and watching them grow has been an extreme blessing! When I'm not being mom, I'm writing about it! My blog, http://www.livingwiththreeboys.com/, was picked up this year by an advertising company. It's a great way for me to make a little money, while doing something I love and staying home with my boys!
Stone: Stone is four and currently in a speech intensive, pre-school program. He loves his friends there! He is a dynamo when it comes to spelling and reading and can figure out any puzzle or math game you throw at him! He loves singing any Laurie Berkner
Cash: What a ham! He is always up for entertaining and loves dressing up and playing pretend. He recently gained an imaginary friend named Palmer - who is constantly getting him into trouble! My three-year-old loves helping me around the house and is the best sous-chef I could ever ask for!
Holden: Holden fills the role of "littlest" to perfection! He's constantly doing everything in his power to keep up with his big brothers. At two, his vocabulary is amazing, and he never answers a question without speaking in a full sentence. He loves playing with his Daddy's old Matchbox cars and never leaves the house without his two (yes, two) blue blankies!
We're going green this year and sending the majority of our Christmas cards electronically... A big thank-you to Lindsey at http://www.prettydarncutedesigns.com/ for designing such a beautiful electronic card, and Jenna at http://www.yellowsunflowerphotography.com/ for taking such beautiful photographs of our family!
Let us know what's going on in your life! Leave a comment! We'd love to hear from you!

Cute! Merry Christmas!
Love the update!Can not wait to meet Palmer, Heath had an imaginary friend name Cruise that also got him in a lot of trouble around that age.
You are an amazing family. I love ya'll very much!
Merry Christmas,
Aunt Tammy
Merry Christmas from all us girls!
Merry Christmas!
Hope you had a very merry Christmas! Happy new year!
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