February 01, 2011

Happy Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!

No really, Happy Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day! You didn't forget to celebrate, did you?

We celebrated with bubble pancakes! I just used this recipe then added in some dried cranberries and white chocolate chips. The pancakes really did look like they had bubbles in them...

And they were super yum with a side of honey!

We're having a snow day here, so Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day really couldn't have come at a better time. I mean honestly, is there a better way to burn off some energy when you're stuck indoors?

Jumping on bubble wrap it is!

And if you don't have any physical bubble wrap handy, there's an app for that! Seriously! We've had a blast popping bubble wrap on my iPhone today!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Yum - pancakes! And everyone should appreciate bubble wrap more often. :)