March 08, 2011

All Fevers are NOT Treated Equally...

... at least not in this house!

Recently the American Academy of Pediatrics came out with a new statement regarding fever.  Cliff's Notes version: You don't have to treat a fever, and oftentimes shouldn't.

I'm definitely in the camp that believes that a fever should often be sweat out.  It is, after all, the body's way of healing itself.  This is what we do for our two big boys...

But with Holden, we don't.  Any time his temperature rises, I dose him, and quick. His seizures, the shaking, it's still way too fresh on my mind.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I saw that too. My mom always taught me that fevers were the body's way of getting rid of the germies. I let Adam sweat it out unless he seems very uncomfortable, or unless it's bedtime with the theory that good rest is needed for healing, too. If he had febrile seizures, you can bet I'd be keeping the meds in my back pocket!