March 19, 2011

Housekeeping... Housekeeping please!

With Stone's new therapy schedule our original budget plan wasn't working, so we went back in recently and made a few cuts.  I didn't like the cuts.  I actually stomped my foot and threw a fit about them.

The major cut was our housekeeper.  Man I miss her!  She kept this house scrubbed clean, beyond any clean I've ever seen.  I need to stop talking about it now, or I might start crying again.... too late...

I do a great job at making my house look clean, but the real scrubbing isn't something that I do well.  I have a cleaning schedule, and I mean well, but...

Fortunately, I have a team of little helpers to help keep this tight ship running!

Honestly, is there a cuter way to mop a floor?

They even make it look fun!

And they clean the corners...  Notice how wet they all got in the process?

Now, how do I get them to change all the sheets every week?  That's the hardest one for me!

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