October 21, 2011

Looky, looky...

I get a lot of produce from our CSA (or co-op), it's organic, but not local. I fill in with produce from the stand down the street from our house... It's local, but not organic.

It's not perfect, but this combo is about as near perfect as I can get... And a lot better than most people have access to. For that I'm blessed.

All this to bring me to this:

Looky, looky what I've got!

Last week, I asked the lady at the fruit stand when she thought she would get her last pick of tomatoes, she knew she'd have one more, but didn't know for sure past that. I told her I'd love a bunch to make tomato sauce and can (I'm going to learn how!). She called today and said she had a box for me... 30 pounds of locally grown tomatoes!

Our fruit stand is run by a couple of older women. They grew up baking, canning, growing and eating real food. She was so excited to talk to me about processes for canning and making sauce! So excited that she went to the back and pulled out about 10 more pounds of unsellable (bruised) tomatoes!

People, that's 40 pounds of tomatoes!

What do you think I'll be up to?

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