June 03, 2008

Last Day of School!

I remember when I was little, how much I looked forward to the last day of school. Summer was on the doorstep, not to mention all of the treats I got to eat at the end of year parties that seem to go on and on and on...

Now on the mother side of things, I'm excited about the school year ending this year because it's E. Stone's last day of Mother's Day Out and my last day at work for a long while. I can't wait to spend some quality one-on-one time with my little boy!

Of course, what End of Year celebration (even a Mother's Day Out program for a one-year-old) wouldn't be complete without some sort of school program? E. Stone twinkled his little star with all of his might at the program today - who cares if that's the only song he participated in? He gave it his all!

E. Stone with his buddy and stroller mate Emily as they prepare to make the parade walk down to the program. He thought he was pretty big stuff!

E. Stone with the entire class of infants. Since he only goes three days, he doesn't actually have class with several of these kids, as they rotate in and out. His big buddies are Graham (looking down in the back of the middle stroller) and Emily (in stroller next to him).

I thought this was too cute not to share. E. Stone's school is called The Ark, so some of the teachers painted the schools logo for the program. If you look close, you will notice that the rainbow is all of the kids hands. E's is in purple toward the very bottom.

So roll out the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer... we're ready!


ASC said...

HOW CUTE! He looks SO BIG in that first stroller shot. For being a lazy summer, I know our days are filling up awfully fast...and yours are too. Nuts! Can't wait to see you soon...

Jenna said...

Glad you are off work. We are done after Thurs. yea!!! Jordan is still going to go to school a couple of days a weeks though. We should get together soon.
