April 05, 2010

I'm baaaackk...

I know I've been a bit absent and aloof.  It's not you, it's me.

I've finished up some projects that needed attention, met a few deadlines in my life outside of mommydom, and am now back into the swing of things... or at least I will be when my dryer quits acting up, yes AGAIN!

We've got exciting things going on and are enjoying life to the fullest each day.  Honestly, what could be better!  And, there's a bit of pink in our house.... we're helping one of my Teen MOPS girls and watching her daughter for her, you might have noticed Analeigh in some of my Tot School posts?  She's a cutie and the boys are totally in love!

Easter pictures and Tot School Tuesday coming soon, and I'm also working on some new regular features.. like a Menu Monday that will give (frugal, healthy) shopping lists and menus/recipes for you to use.  Does that sound good? And I promise, Freebie Friday will be back.  I just have to find my groove again.

I'm not slacking, I'm thinking... and I can't wait to share it all with you!


Allison said...

I'm in a cooking slump, I can't wait. Try to do some vegetarian ones too :)

Kylee said...

Excited to see your blog at the top of my "recently updated blogs" list...and even more excited to know it will be there lots more in the future!! : )

Welcome back to blogland!