March 13, 2011

Learning and Lesson Plans

We finished out our Letter S unit this week.  Fun!

All three of the boys can now consistently identify a upper- and lower-cased letter S and tell you the sound it makes.  They can also recite their weekly verse, Isaiah 55:6.  You can see our full lesson plan for this week here, and click here to see all of the work we did with the letter S last week.

We had a blast making our snowmen out of cheese, chocolate covered soy beans, dried cranberries, fruit leather and pretzels.
The boys worked hard on their creations, but happily chomped them down afterwards as well!
Some creations were a bit abstract...
Others were a bit more realistic..
And true to his middle child status, sweet Cash's creation was right smack in the middle!
I actually got some good one-on-one time with Stone this week (Holden usually doesn't nap anymore, but happened to a few days this week) and we worked on our math facts with our new Match It! Mathematics Puzzle.  Stone has a near photographic memory, so he's quite the whiz at math.  I'm really not good at math, so this little guy will quickly surpass my abilities.  Thank goodness we have a daddy who rocks at calculus!
We worked together and took turns completing our snowman puzzle.
We also completed some snowman and snowflake patterns.
Daddy stepped in and helped us with some cutting.  We're really becoming rockstar cutters over here...
I just keep praying that we only use our skills for good and not evil!
The boys are loving computer time together.  Starfall has a great snowman game that really fit our theme this week!
But, by far, the highlight of our Letter S unit was the creation of snowman bread.  I just had the boys roll out blobs from my artesian bread starter...
Then we made it snow on them!
It was yummy, sugary goodness!

If you are looking for some great ideas for pre-school activities with your little ones, I highly suggest you visit these sites:

The sites I frequent are great, they include:

You'll get a ton of info, and also be able to link up to see what others are doing with their kids!  I especially love the 1+1+1=1 site for that!

We'll be taking our spring break this coming week, but don't forget to download our lesson plan for the next week by clicking here.  This lesson plan incorporates all of the links, so you can have a collective source for all of the resources we use! 

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