June 21, 2011


I can only recall one other time that I spent more than $1,000 in one store at one time. It was at Ikea, and I'm sure you can imagine what I came home with... Three day beds, one rug, bedding, pillows...

Yesterday I spent more than $1,000 at a baby store. $1,200 before tax to be exact. Want to know what I bought? It's super exciting...

Yep. That's what four $300 car seats look like. Super exciting. Wanna see how exciting?

Stone looks about as thrilled as I was to be practically doing gymnastics in 100 degree heat to install the suckers. Yuck!

Now, you guys know me well enough to know that I didn't just run out and purchase new seats because I wanted them (although having matching seats sure is nice). The boys and I were rearended yesterday, hard. The fireman allowed me to drive home (about a block) with the damaged seats, but wrote them up as condemned.

Hopefully insurance will pay us back. These aren't the exact seats we had before, but they are comparable.

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